November Blog Challenge // Days 6-10

6. Pet Peeves
People who chew gum like a cow. Kids who tease dogs. Slow drivers. People who talk really loud on the phone in a restaurant. The noise those scratchy cups make. People who use the wrong forms of your and you’re and their and there. When you put your name on food at work and someone eats it. Having to go to the post office to pick up a package because the mail man is lazy. Man I could go on and on lol

7. What’s In My Bag
Phone. Nintendo ds. Tablet. Wallet. Keys. Ibuprofen.  Sticky notes. Gum. Hair ties. Lotion. Purfume. Hand sanitizer.  Goodie bag from Halloween. Coupons and like 5 payless work badges lol

8. Worst Habits
Waking up too late and just throwing something on. Eating when I’m stressed, mad or bored. Not doing housework when it needs to be done.

9. Best Physical Feature
My boobs probably or my eyes. I hate everything else about my body.

10.  Few Of My Favorite Things
Adult coloring books. Journals. Photography. Vlogging.  Sleep. Being outdoors. Walking.

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